Food | Hooves | Movement
Natural feeding Advice
Health begins in the food bucket!
Diseases that were brought on through civilization of the horse, such as laminitis, obesity or emaciation , allergies, coughing, reoccurring colic, persistent diarrhea, or even problems with ligaments, tendons and muscles, now occur very frequently in domesticated horses.
Common contributing factors in most of these diseases, on closer inspection, are severe imbalances and deficiencies in the horse's diet. Since horses are masters at compensating, they often suffer in silence and the problem can therefore go unnoticed for years. And then, seemingly suddenly, comes the day when the horse displays serious signs of illness.
There are many preventative steps horse owners can take so that it never has to come this way . Once understood, the appropriate diet for your horse can be easily achieved. Let me show you how it works!

The natural feeding advice can also be booked for dogs.
- Complete analysis of your horses current nutrition in connection with all known symptoms.
- Bloodwork evaluation, hay analysis and other further diagnostics, if applicable
- A complete initial feeding plan, individually tailored to each horse based on living conditions, daily nutritional needs and current symptoms
- 1:1 online coaching to answer any of your questions in regards to the feeding plan or in connection with the development of the horses health
240€ per Horse
(a discount is possible if I am analysing multiple horses)
Horse Nutrition
Year-long support package
Most horses need far more support and adjustments than just the correct evaluation of the diet. It is for this reason that I offer to guide and support you and your horse for the duration of a year. We will touch base about every 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the horse's case. We will look at the development and progress of your horse since the last consultation and will decide on the next steps to support the well-being of your horse so that it can thrive. I will initially tailor your horse's feed schedule to his situation and also adjust it depending on which season of the year we are in. I will be happy to explain the meaning and reason behind the decisions I make and everything else you may need to know. If necessary, we will also help your horse with various therapeutic means such as the use of herbs, kolloides, or hydroxypathy. (See blog post).
My goal for you is to learn as much as possible about how to feed your horse in the various seasons of the year so that you will feel confident and knowledgeable on your own in the future. You decide for yourself how long you want to stay with me, or when you feel ready to make the leap from 1:1 support. Of course, I still will be there for you, if any minor uncertainties may arise. Prerequisite for this year-long support package is the previous analysis & initial consultation through me for the respective horse.
Prerequisite for this year-long support package is the previous analysis & initial consultation through me for the respective horse.
90 € per hour
This accompaniment is billed once a month according to the actual time spent. However, you have control about how much of it you want to use.
Hoof trimming
Strong Hooves - Happy Horse
Due to a lack of good and available hoof trimmer, I decided many years ago to learn everything necessary to be able to trim my own horses' hooves. Since then I have been offering this service to a limited number of clients.
We don't say no hoof, no horse for no reason!
That's why this topic is so incredibly important and needs much more awareness in today's horse world. Horses suffer silently and usually show only subtle expressions of pain. For a long time they are able to compensate uncomfortable or even painful hooves.
If you have the feeling that something might be wrong with your horse's hooves, they have an unusual shape, are heavily cracked or grooved, you are constantly struggling with thrush, or the horse is sore or lame while walking, then this is your area to look at first.

that often is related
Nutrition & Hooves
In some cases, an accompanying feeding consultation may be advisable, as there are significant correlations between nutrition and hoof health.
If you have the feeling that this could be the case for you, please let me know with your request.
1. Hufbearbeitung nach Natural Hoof Care & F-Balance
I currently offer regular hoof trimming in a four-week schedule in southern Germany. If you would like to book a treatment, please send me your request with your zip code and the number of horses by e-Mail or WhatsApp.
- Für reine Hufbearbeitung berechne ich 60€ pro Pferd
- Für Pferde, die anfangs noch extra Zeit und Training brauchen, bis sie entspannt die Hufe bearbeiten lassen können, berechne ich einen Stundensatz von 90€ je nach Zeitaufwand
All prices plus travel costs
2. Learn how to trim your own horse - 1:1 Coaching
I love to pass on my knowledge! If you want to learn how to keep your horse's hooves healthy and in balance on your own, then this 1:1 Coaching is for you!
We will meet every 4 weeks and I will show you step by step how hoof trimming works, which tools you need and how to use them correctly. In the beginning, I will trim a lot by myself and guide you through the first steps. As you progress, you will be able to do more and more yourself and become a hoof expert for your horse. Experience shows that it takes about a year, sometimes a bit longer, until the horse owner feels confident to work on his horse's feet independently.
- I charge 90€ per hour, travel costs in addition.
- For two People with one horse each 60€ per person / hour.
Experience has shown that we need up to 2 hours per coaching session for a horse for round about the first 6 month. After that 1 hour or less. The actual time spent will be invoiced.
Bewegungsosteopathie & Schiefentherapie
Healthy training for horses
Horses are naturally crooked. That is not really a problem for them. But if unhealthy training or riding methods are added, a wide variety of movement problems can quickly become apparent.
The most striking thing is when we see larger cavities on parts of the body where usually should be muscles. The muscles are atrophied, but overly defined in other areas. The horse appears stiff, clumsy, may stumble repeatedly and is difficult to bend. The whole expression is dissatisfied, unwilling and everything seems rather difficult and almost a struggle. Even after regular osteopathic or pysiotherapeutic treatments, there is no joyful movement visible anymore.
When I work with those horses on healthy movement, the results are very amazing within a short time. As soon as the horses have been able to develop a good body feeling and feel save, relaxed and in balance while moving, joy, proud expression and lightness are back!

1. Osteopathy in Movement - Straightening your Horse
In this specific training of healthy movement, I teach your horse to move in a relaxed and easy way with correct movement sequences. The focus here is on physical and mental balance and well-being, while straightening the horses body. We are going to generate joy in movement, in the beginning without a rider or equipment, later we will ad those things again.
As soon as your horse has understood the respective steps, it is your turn to learn at your own pace how to train your horse in a healthy and sustainable way. I will support you with 1:1 Coaching. Usually we need about 3 to 4 month with two trainings sessions per week. The days between our sessions are filled with homework which you can do independently with your horse.
Would you like to find out if this type of training is right for you? Let's find out together in an introductory meeting and create a plan tailored to you and our horse. In some cases, it may be advisable to have one or two osteopathic treatments on your horse before starting the training. If you have the feeling that this might be the case for you, let's talk about it and put together an individual trainings plan.
- 60€ per session, additional travel costs
- This service is for all kind of horses, even those which are not ridden.
2. Körpersprache & Kommunikation
Conscious body language & energetic communication - learn the horse's language
Horses are very energetic and telepathic beings. Their communication is based on presence, focus, and the constant exchange of energy and body language. This ensures the safety of the herd, as all members vibrate at the same frequency and share informations with each other at lightning speed. The highest good within a herd is harmony, which provides security and balance as well as inner and outer peace.
I see a lot of different training methods in the horse industry these days. Many of them are based on obedience and pure functionality of the horse for its rider. It often seems very robotic to me. Genuine connection and authentic expression are often missing. While the horse functions very well with the trainer, almost nothing seems to work when being back home with the owner.
Does that match with parts of your own situation?
Are you seeking for a real connection with your horse? Do you want to learn why your energy and body language are the key? If so, this subject area might be right for you! Learn how to communicate authentically with your horse, free from conventional training methods and dogmas.
- 60€ per session, additional travel costs
- This service is for all kind of horses and behavioral issues and is also available for dogs.
- Learn how to communicate in dog language - for more harmony in your relationship with your dog.