+20 years of professional experience
The place where your heart comes to life!
Die spirituelle Sicht auf Körper, Geist & Seele besagt, dass sich eine Erkrankung zuerst über längere Zeit im Energiesystems eines Wesens zeigt, bevor sie dann im physischen Körper als solche sichtbar wird. Energiearbeit begegnet der Ursache.
Trust. Connection. Feeling.
It´s in our Nature.
Anne Temme
my mission
Horses and their well-being are my passion.
my vision
Let's make the world for horses a better place and recognize their true treasure.
Food | Hooves | Movement
Diseases caused by civilization of the horse such as laminitis, obesity or emaciation, allergies, coughing or reoccurring colic have almost become a normal state. But it does not have to come this far. I can show you how to support your horse with appropriate and tailored nutrition.

trauma-sensitive bodywork
The demands on our horses as sport partners nowadays are high, no matter the discipline. Therefore, it is important to support our horses in a variety of ways to prevent unhealthy movement patterns that arise from tension and compensation. Energetic equine osteopathy is a blessing, and achieves that goal. Our horses are intuitively very receptive to it.

Coaching | telepathic animal communication | energy work
Meeting our Self on the level of Equine Assisted Coaching is a fascinating and profound way to gain insight into our inner being. Your horse serves as an important coach and healer in this work, since horses are equipped with an incredible talent to mirror your blockages and limiting beliefs. Together, the two of you can transform them in a sustainable way.