Coaching | telepathic animal communication | energy work
Your horse in wise guidance
Clarity in you. For optimal health on all levels.
My experience in working with horses and dogs has shown me that their problems and illnesses are often related to struggles of their owner. This even goes as far as showing the exact same symptoms! Most of the time the animals mirror an issue of the owners in order to make it visible to them.
Equine Assisted Coaching is a valuable way to look at these issues together with you and your animal. This way the bigger picture can show itself and the corresponding solution can come into consciousness.

Wisdom of the herd
What is so special about
Equine Assisted Consciousness Work?
It is the wisdom of the horses!
Horses are masters in recognizing states and energies in us humans, and they reflect what they see back to us in an authentic way. Through their reactions, we get a very clear and honest feedback about ourselves.
This is especially helpful when we are not in a congruent state. An in-congruent state is when we display something on the outside that does not match our inner state of being. This can happen if we subconsciously carry a limiting belief or an unprocessed experience or emotion within us, that separates us from who we are at the core, our authentic self.
It is incredibly difficult to recognize these "blind spots" in ourselves. With the horses support and a coach who holds space for this process, true breakthroughs, real self-knowledge and thus healing and development are possible.
I will come to your barn to meet you and your horse. We can hold our session in a nice, quiet spot where you both feel safe and comfortable.
All you need is comfortable clothing that is appropriate for the weather. I also suggest that you have some time for yourself after the session to reflect and integrate what you have experienced. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!
- No experience with horses is necessary for this type of coaching. No riding will be involved.
- You don't have a horse of your own and still want to experience Equine Assisted Coaching? Let me know and we will find a solution.
120€ per session
We need round about 1 up to 1,5 hours per session. Travel costs might be charged.
Telepathic Animal Communication
Readings for horses - from unconsciousness to consciousness
Health arises in harmony of the physical body with the energy system.
The spiritual view of body, mind and soul states that an illness first appears in the energy system of a being over a longer period of time before it becomes visible in the physical body. This means that a disease can always reoccur if it is treated purely on the physical level.
I have the ability to read and feel the energy system of any being and through this I detect disturbances in the various subtle bodies and layers. I help to clear the energy on exactly these levels and bring it back into flow the way it was initially intended to be. This is key to a sustainable balance of body, mind and soul.
Telepathic animal communication is pure energy work, which I perform telepathically with your horse through distance from home.

In advance, you will tell me, what topics currently concerns you, your animals, or all of you. In the next step we will schedule an appointment and I will read in your animal's energy system telepathically.
- Afterwards you will receive an email or voice message from me, in which I will share with you what I have perceived.
- We speak about what I have worked on and what possible next steps might be necessary.
120€ per session
We need round about 1 up to 1,5 hours. This service is for all kind of animals and also humans available.
Energetische Heilsessions für Mensch & Pferd
Bewusstes Wahrnehmen & Erlösen - Wachstum und Befreiung über die physische Ebene hinaus
Since 2016 I have completed two trainings as a spiritual healer according to the guidelines of the "Dachverband Geistiges Heilen". This is a German organisation recognized in the field of spiritual healing.
The "Dachverband Geistiges Heilen" (short DGH e.V.) has developed a complex code of ethics and conduct which I have committed myself to as a spiritual healer. This ensures the quality of its member's work and acts as a protection from dubious offers for those that are seeking help.
If you want to know more about spiritual healing and the interests of the DGH e.V., you can find some information on the website
Energetic healing treatments do not replace the diagnosis or treatment by a doctor / veterinarian, nor prescribed medication. However, alternative therapies can be used in a supportive way and can achieve amazing results.

What to expect :
An energetic healing session can be experienced at distance or in person. Enjoy a healing session together with your horse, or all to yourself.
We need a save and quiet spot. A session will last 1 up to 1,5 hours. Afterwards, I suggest to plan some free time for yourself or your horse. That helps to integrate and process the experience and give you time to take care of yourself.
For example there might be a bigger need to sleep or rest, or the strong feeling of hunger or the need to move the body. That might happen for humans and animals in the same way.
- 120€ per session - additional travel fee might be charged
- This service is also available for dogs and all kind of animals.
Pease reach out if you have a question.